Reading time: 2 minutes
What might you have in common with Spider-Man’s enemy, Sandman? Sandman had a broken heart and then through a freak accident, his body became broken too. If you haven’t seen Spider-Man 3 from 2007, catch a clip showing the birth of Sandman if it is still available.
Watching Sandman pull himself together will tug at your heart. He is sad and beat down by the difficulties of life. But sitting in the pieces of his life, he becomes aware of his reason to live.
When you have a mess of challenges to overcome, life can feel sad and slow. You might be saying to yourself, life can’t get any worse. But then it does.
You might feel like you're falling apart. Don't give up. God is making you whole. There is a power at work within the members of your body. Share on Xand what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places,
Ephesian 1:19-20
Life has a way of pulling you apart at the seams. However, even if you feel completely disintegrated, God is always working to make you new. You don’t have to pull yourself together, although, you have no choice but to wait as God stitches you together.
Even when you feel weak and are spread thin, God’s power is at work. God knows where every part is. He
When is God going to do this in your life? He’s doing it now. The first step to wholeness is to take inventory of how you feel spread into little pieces. You must feel the pieces
In what ways is your life in pieces? Visualize this
Now, see the pieces coming together. What do you see
No matter how broken you started, or how excruciatingly slow it seems God is working, God is making you whole. You are valuable to God and by His presence you are whole.
Christ is risen! And if you died with Him, so shall you also be raised with Him (Romans 6:5).
Image by Kuradomova from Pixabay
Matt Pavlik is a licensed professional clinical counselor who wants to see each individual restored to their true identity. He has more than 20 years of experience counseling individuals and couples at his Christian counseling practice, New Reflections Counseling. Matt and Georgette have been married since 1999 and live with their four children in Centerville, Ohio.
Matt’s courses and books contain practical exercises that help God’s truth spring to life:
I have been through this so many times that my life looks like a patchwork quilt from all the being stitched back together that has been done. I have deactivated my facebook page for about a week and have no idea why really other than feeling an inner prompting to do so and am pulling away from other areas of my life with the hope that this is all a part of God’s greater plan or putting me back together. In reality, I feel scared and in disarray. So tired of this happening to me so often and wish it would stop. Life is happening to me instead of me happening to life. While I understand and know what is going on, it is so invasive and disheartening to go through.
Hi Dawn,
God is definitely stitching you back together. Life can be scary and discouraging at times, so much so that the best we can do is trust God and hold on for the ride. But we don’t have to stay discouraged for long. Nothing you go through can wipe out God’s intentions for creating you.
Let’s look for the patterns in the quilt God is making. Patchwork is beautiful as it reveals your God-given identity. May God strengthen and make you steadfast, Dawn, as you struggle to become whole.