Reading time: 1 minutes
God’s kingdom is alive wherever Jesus Christ reigns. The best place for God to reign is in our hearts. However, remembering the spiritual reality behind the physical reality is challenging.
Jesus emphasized the kingdom frequently during His ministry. He compared the kingdom of heaven to several objects:
- A farmer who plants seeds in various types of soil (Matthew 13:24).
- A treasure worth selling everything for (Matthew 13:44).
- A rare pearl worth selling everything for (Matthew 13:45-46).
- A large fishing net capable of catching all kinds of fish (Matthew 13:47).
- Yeast that can spread completely through dough (Luke 13:20-21).
- A mustard seed which is small but has the potential to sustain many (Luke 13:18-19).
What do you get when you put all these together? Something small and powerful. Deceptively small and unbelievably powerful. But also large in its scope. Resilient and unstoppable. Silent and active.
When Jesus brought up these analogies for the kingdom, He went on to explain that the way to reach the kingdom is hard to find (Luke 13:24). This fits with looking for buried treasure. Nothing in all of creation is more worthwhile and meaningful than God’s kingdom.
Jesus also talked about the exclusivity of the kingdom (Matthew 13:11). Only certain people can see the kingdom and grasp its significance.
The ability to see God’s kingdom is a treasure in itself. God promises that He will give us an abundance of knowledge and understand beyond simply recognizing the kingdom (Matthew 13:12). God wants you to know the secrets of heaven.
Can you see and understand His secrets? Does the kingdom feel alive to you? Ask God to show you the kingdom along with an abundance of understanding. Tell God you want Him to reign in your heart.